“If there’s not room for everyone at the table, then we simply build a bigger table!” – Senate President Spilka, April 1, 2019, Greater Boston Labor Council Breakfast
Why We Organize
State House employees care deeply about their service to the residents of the Commonwealth and the legislators they serve. However, working at the State House is not financially, emotionally, or professionally sustainable for many of its staff. To better serve Massachusetts, it is vital that we create sustainable working conditions for current staff and those who will serve as State House employees in the years to come.
A union gives employees a permanent seat at the table when workplace decisions are being made in the future. Having a union will create a structure for staff input on matters including compensation and benefits, well-defined roles and responsibilities, career progression, training and professional development, time off policies and work schedule flexibilities, protection from discrimination and harassment, and more.
While there have been a few limited efforts by legislative leadership to address some of these issues, they are insufficient. Reliance on unpredictable improvements to compensation, benefits, and working conditions that do not take employee perspectives into account is not a sustainable way for staff to address their current needs and plan for their futures.
The authorization is a card or petition signed by an employee indicating his or her desire to form a union at their place of employment. The authorization states that the employee “authorizes the IBEW to represent them in collective bargaining.”
All information is strictly confidential and never shared outside of the union.